Exceptional Girls Podcast: Helping our smart but struggling girls feel seen, supported, and celebrated
Raising girls is no joke. Add exceptionalities like giftedness, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, learning differences, and anxiety into the mix, and you may feel like you're the only one struggling to figure it all out. You're not.
As a mom myself, I know what it's like to help your neurodivergent child navigate the challenges of school, friendships, and family dynamics. Once my kiddo and I finally figured out her unique wiring, life got so much better. But it took almost 15 years, and that’s way too long.
I created this podcast to shorten the learning curve for others and increase awareness and understanding of female neurodiversity. Join me as we learn together how we can help our exceptional girls be seen, supported, and celebrated.
Want to learn more? Visit www.exceptionalgirlspodcast.com.
Exceptional Girls Podcast: Helping our smart but struggling girls feel seen, supported, and celebrated
Episode 6: The Prevalence—and Price—of Underachievement with Brianne Hudak
In this episode of the Exceptional Girls podcast, you're invited to listen in as I talk with Brianne Hudak, a veteran educator, about the prevalence of underachievement in gifted and neurodivergent girls.
A veteran teacher certified in gifted and talented education, as well as a school leader, Brianne shares:
- Why underachievement poses unique problems for girls
- How to spot the signs of underachievement, which can look different in girls than boys
- How to evaluate learning environments and talk with teachers to set your daughter up for success
- What you can do to support an underachieving girl — and why it's a problem worth prioritizing
About Brianne Hudak
Brianne has served in public, private, and charter schools for over 16 years, including teaching gifted and talented students, teaching STEM and theatre classes, and holding several administrative leadership positions.
She earned her bachelor's degree in elementary education with a minor in communications and theater, a certification in gifted and talented education, a master’s in educational administration and supervision, and she’s currently pursuing a doctoral degree in educational leadership.
She is an active member of several state, federal, and international organizations serving gifted and exceptional children, including the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, the National Association for Gifted Children, and the North Carolina Association for the Gifted and She’s also the North Caroline state liaison for SENG.
A vocal advocate for gifted learners, Brianne is especially passionate about overcoming underachievement in gifted and twice exceptional (2e) girls.
About the Exceptional Girls podcast
If you know and care deeply about a girl who learns, thinks, and experiences the world differently, I invite you to journey with me as we learn how we as parents, adults, and role models can help her understand, self-advocate, accept, and love herself — just as she is.
To learn more, visit www.exceptionalgirlspodcast.com.